Kitea atu a ngāi toa o mua

Search the history of the Aotearoa Music Awards, from its single-award beginnings in 1965 to the 20+ categories presented today.

1974Te Tino Kāhui Manu Taki o te TauBest Group
1974Arranger Of The Year
1974Artist of the Year
1974Best NZ Recorded Composition
1974Te Kaituhura Puoro Toa o te TauBreakthrough Artist

Delve deeper into the history of the Music Awards on AudiocCulture:

Note for researchers

Category names have evolved over the 50+ years of the Awards. If you intend to use the information in this database for any public purpose, we strongly recommend verifying the data you wish to use with us first.

There is incomplete data in relation to nominees in the 1973-1980 period. If you are a nominee from this period or have verifiable data, please let us know.
